Pete Bengry is an internationally acclaimed professional percussionist, specialising in shamanism, sound healing, music production and one-to-one consultations. He is a member of the UK band ‘Cornershop’ who achieved a number one hit with the song ‘Brimful of Asha’ in 1996. His percussive training began at the age of five years, trusting his natural awareness towards rhythm, he began to play without any instrument other than his body and mind. At the age of ten years, he was lucky enough to travel to Africa and witnessed the Zulus drum, sing and dance. Being so moved by their presence, he received a drum, which influenced his passion into the practice of shamanism. This drum became his teacher, guide, parent and friend. When students ask Pete how he learned his skills, his reply is simple: “Listen to the drum, she will teach you all you need to know.”
Facebook: Being In Beauty