Episode 7. Julia Williamson

Release date Tuesday June 22 2021

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Episode 7 Julia Williamson

Julia Williamson is a Past Age Clearing and Healing Practitioner with a long history of professionally singing, performing, teaching and facilitating community singing groups.


A trained Empath since 1999 with ‘Earth Whisperer’ Maggie Landman, Julia Williamson has healed and transformed her own life from meek, fearful and small to vibrant, powerful and free.   Merging healing affirmations and intentions within singing lessons and community singing groups since 2007, Julia witnessed profound and transformational shifts for thousands of people, including herself.   Firsthand, she saw how singing activates the heart-frequency to deeply heal mental health issues, low self-esteem, and self-worth.

Her music, songbooks, guided meditations and online somatic voice lessons improve singing, harmony and improvisation skills. They rewire the brain to help you become more self-aware, embodied and empowered to use your voice as an instrument for personal healing and transformation and take you beyond the ego to states of bliss and love where humanity’s real power exists.

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